PEcreateHWND PEcreate (nObjectType, dwStyle, lpRect, hParent, nID)
This function allocates memory for the object, creates a window if hParent is non-null, and registers the windows handle with ProEssentials DLL.
Returns This function returns the handle which was assigned by the Windows operating system. If the function could not allocate memory, or CreateWindow fails, the function returns zero.
Comments The return value from this function is used in both Windows API and ProEssentials API calls. This return value must not be lost as long as the object remains in memory. Storing the return value in a global variable is required.
Note, if you are doing background image construction, you can supply zero as the hParent parent handle. When hParent is zero, the object has no Windows functionality such as message handling. Later in your code, you can call PEcreate a second time. Supply the current handle as the nObjectType and provide the non-zero parent handle in hParent. This will attach the previously constructed memory object to a newly constructed child window of the parent.
PEdestroy must be used to destroy the window and free its memory and resources.
Visual Basic and Delphi developers will not have to call this function. The visual interfaces call this function for you and place the resulting HWND handle into a special property called hObject. You can use this hObject property as the first argument in ProEssentials DLL calls like PEvset. |
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