Purpose You will very rarely use this property.
This property identifies a display-compatible memory- dib bitmap that is used to prepare the objects image in memory for the WPF interfaces for non Direct3D rendering. Non WPF interfaces use MemBitmap.
Comments This property is Read Only.
If PEP_hDIBMEMBITMAP is non zero, then PEP_hRGBMEMSECTION (1947) is used as first argument to System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromMemorySection to create an InteropBitmap/ImageSource for rendering the chart in WPF. Not sure this will be useful as it is for our internal use. Those wanting to be fancy might enjoy.
The memory bitmap is only valid if PrepareImages equals TRUE and CacheBmp is TRUE. The image in the bitmap is up-to-date after the object gets the WM_PAINT message.
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