Wpf Chart and .Net Charting Component Feedback

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Charting Component Feedback

The best companies and organizations say the best about ProEssentials.
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More than a million royalty free charting installs of our redistributables!

Customer customer 3M
Customer customer ABB
Customer customer The Aerospace Corporation
Customer customer Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Customer customer ALCOA
Customer customer St. Ambrose University
Customer customer Asset Management Consulting Limited
Customer customer Applied Materials
Customer customer Athena Industrial
Customer customer AVL List GmbH
Customer customer Baker Hughes
Customer customer Boeing
Customer customer Borg-Warner Automotive
Customer customer Bridgestone Tire
Customer customer CACI International
Customer customer Caterpillar
Customer customer CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Customer customer Chevron Corporation
Customer customer Corning, Inc.
Customer customer Covéa
Customer customer Crane Nuclear, Inc.
Customer customer CREE
Customer customer Author Code Magazine
Customer customer Ease Solutions
Customer customer EC Engineering Consultants
Customer customer Energy Control Technologies
Customer customer Electrotek Corporation
Customer customer Emerson Process
Customer customer ESW CleanTech
Customer customer E-XStream HEXAGON
Customer customer Exxon Mobile
Customer customer Firestone Tire
Customer customer Fluke Corporation
Customer customer Fluke Corporation
Customer customer Ford Motor Company
Customer customer GCR Incorporated
Customer customer GE - General Electric
Customer customer GlaxoSmithKline
Customer customer HACH
Customer customer Halliburton Corporation
Customer customer Lawson - HealthVision - ERP and Human Capital Management
Customer customer HM Quickshifter
Customer customer Honewell Areospace
Customer customer Innova Drilling & Intervention
Customer customer Insoft
Customer customer InStep Software acquired by Schneider
Customer customer Intel
Customer customer Iris Instruments
Customer customer Jaguar Cars
Customer customer JohnCrane
Customer customer NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Customer customer Klippel GmbH
Customer customer KOCH Industries
Customer customer Eastman Kodak
Customer customer L3 HARRIS
Customer customer Land Rover
Customer customer NASA Langley Research Center
Customer customer Lockheed Martin
Customer customer Lockheed Martin
Customer customer Loyds Banking Group - HBOS plc
Customer customer Lyons Informations Systems
Customer customer Maxtor
Customer customer Melissa
Customer customer Milwaukee Electric Tool
Customer customer MISTRAS Group, Inc.
Customer customer Moody Analytics - KMV
Customer customer Michigan State University
Customer customer Nearfield Instruments
Customer customer Northrop Grumman
Customer customer Novartis Pharma AG
Customer customer Next Phase Measurements
Customer customer NXP Semiconductors
Customer customer New York Life
Customer customer Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Customer customer OakRidge National Lab
Customer customer Open Automation Software
Customer customer OMICRON Lab
Customer customer Pacific Scientific
Customer customer Pentair / Greenspan Technology
Customer customer Pfizer, Inc.
Customer customer PHDWin
Customer customer  Philips
Customer customer Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Customer customer Pipeline Systems, Inc.
Customer customer Postek
Customer customer Pratt & Whitney Canada
Customer customer Praxair / Linde AG
Customer customer Probe Software
Customer customer Purdue University
Customer customer RAYTHEON
Customer customer Rockwell Collins Aerospace
Customer customer SAIC, Inc.
Customer customer Samsung Group
Customer customer Schlumberger
Customer customer Seagate Technology
Customer customer SEH America
Customer customer Shell - Royal Dutch Shell
Customer customer Siemens
Customer customer Streat Instruments
Customer customer SuperFlow Corp.
Customer customer TDK
Customer customer Transportation Decision Systems
Customer customer Techdrill North Sea
Customer customer Teledyne Technologies International Corp
Customer customer Texas Instruments
Customer customer Trane, a member of the Ingersoll Rand family
Customer customer Texas State Univ
Customer customer University of Alberta
Customer customer University of Denver
Customer customer UNIPOWER
Customer customer South Florida University
Customer customer Vision Control Solutions
Customer customer VITEC
Customer customer Wellenco
Customer customer Wildlife Computers
Customer customer Wunderlich-Malec Engineering, Inc.
Customer customer Workhorse Technologies
Customer customer Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Customer customer Yazaki North America
customer Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH

More long textual Charting Feedback and random generic responses.

Jack Purdum, Ph.D, author of VB .NET Primer Plus"I am impressed with your product. I teach computer science courses here at Purdue and this is good stuff."

Tom Johnson, Analytical Graphics, Inc "Here's some feedback on why we chose ProEssentials over about 20 other packages that we looked at. Might be useful in your marketing and future thinking.

1. Ability to handle large amounts of data. We routinely do XY scatter plots with 100,000 points or so. Many other packages simply can't handle this amount of data. Our tests on this included scrolling when zoomed in and time it takes to actually zoom in. Speed is of the essence.

2. Ability to do "stripcharts". Plotting data dynamically.

3. Good date/time support for the X axis. A lot of our data is time based and we wanted a real time display that was intelligent rather than simply plotting elapsed time in minutes since some reference time. The ability to zoom down to second level accuracy was required, your millisecond accuracy was an added plus. Occasionally we get data that is time tagged down to the nanosecond but the period between data points is very rarely less than 0.1 sec.

4. Support for decent looking polar plots. I can't tell you how many packages either didn't support them or had some really cheesy looking implementation.

5. Publication quality output. Our customers often take the graphs right out of our application and include them in their powerpoints or in actual conference or journal papers. It's unnacceptable for us to tell them to export the data and plot it in a third party package that can do a nice job. We want them to be able to do it directly in our application (saves them a lot of time and hassle).

6. When you zoom in on some data, you actually see the section you zoomed in on (and not some other part of the graph). This seems so silly but it was an issue with the name-brand package we replaced. The scrollbar implementation that it had was just brain dead and was simply impossible to operate when you had more than a few thousand points. "

Chris cooil, intelligent Finance division, HBOS "This is hands down the most flexible charting product I have ever used."

Roy Dyer, IMS HealthRoy Dyer, Corporate Product Development Project Manager at IMS Health, one of the largest pharmaceutical market research firms in the world, recently deployed a completely rewritten version of one of his company's primary business tools. At the core of the tool being replaced was a large internally designed graphing module. The high-level requirement for the rewritten graphing module stated that the new application would have the ability to:

  • Handle large amounts of data while preventing data overlap
  • Provide high levels of performance
  • Effectively manage complex charts and graphs

According to Dyer, "most organizations, like ours, aren't fortunate enough to have expertise in areas such as charting theory. The key to our success is that right at the start of the design phase of the project, we identify our limitations and fill the gaps when and where possible with off-the-shelf software." After weeks of research and objective competitive analysis, Dyer and his technical team selected GigaSoft's ProEssentials.

Dyer describes the sense of partnership that grew over time between his project team and the component publisher. "By working closely with this software publisher in a product requirement give-and-take fashion, GigaSoft was able to accommodate every one of our charting and graphing component requirements inside their ProEssentials standard, off-the-shelf, fully tested and supported software product, all for the cost of eight full developer licenses."

Kevin Harrison, SuperFlow Corp."SuperFlow Corporation designs and manufacturers Data Acquisition and Test Equipment targeted at the gasoline and diesel automotive engine industry. Our customers include automobile racers, universities, and engine manufacturers. Our primary software product, titled WinDyn (tm), functions as the common user interface for an entire line of SuperFlow products. WinDyn integrates the ProEssentials DLL (using the Scientific Graph mode exclusively) to provide the graphical display and analysis of engine test data. We have found the ProEssentials DLL to be a very useful and versatile software tool, and we look forward to continued development using your fine product."

Sudha M Natarajan, CALIPSO Mission Operations, NASA Langley Research Center "I have been using your product since v2. Now I'm working on another mission and using Gigasoft again. This has become a standard plotting tool for us at Mission Operations."

Christopher Ludka, SAIC, Inc. "You guys have been answering our questions quickly since our team began using Gigasoft's ProEssentials a few months ago and we truly appreciate it. And because of your product's quality, vast features, and good service we may be buying even a few more licenses as our team grows in the future."

Gary Gonzenbach "FYI: We have approximately 3000 engineering workstations with our PHDWin application deployed around the world - so we are getting a ton of feedback on this. We are known in the industry for our superior graphics. So, that means you have done a great job with ProEssentials. Thanks for putting out a really great product."

Doug Slocum, Siemens"The more I work with your product, the more I have come to appreciate it's power. We've talked about little things and minor annoyances, but my hat's off to you. This IS a powerful package and your support has been superb. You may have my personal recommendation any time. That does not come easily!"

Chris Prindle, Ford "I just wanted to let you know that you have an excellent tool. Our group is using it in a way you probably didn't envision. We are creating a DLL and calling it from an Active Server Page. We are passing data via ADO into the DLL and storing the resulting Graph in JPEG format in RAW format in an Oracle Table."

Gary Corbell, Welenco, Inc. "Your program has become a very important part of our geophysical logging program. Using ProEssentials with Visual Basic has enabled us to provide a service that is second to none in our industry. I cannot tell you how important your program has become to the success of our company."

Jeff Wilkes, Manager of Information Technology, Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. "I just wanted to let you know how impressed I have been with your tech support over the years. I have never called your tech support and not received a quick and accurate answer on how to accomplish a certain task."

Joe Thompson, Boeing"We are very happy with the PE graph. It's one of the few things we've bought that actually works as advertised. I gave a demo yesterday and everyone was very impressed with the graph. The application we are writing displays real time telemetry data ..."

Paul Silvis, Pacific Scientific"This is a killer product -- very powerful, very fast, very slick. I'm impressed -- and so are our customers. The software oscilloscope constructed with it is a joy to use, and well, ... thanks for making me look so good!"

Scott Volpe, Borg-Warner Automotive, Automatic Transmission Systems Division "I am currently using your package and love it! Thanks for the great job!"

Jim Horwedel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory "Thanks for all your help. I am almost out of questions. I am very pleased with ProEssentials and your support."

Joe Holly, KOCH Industries, Inc."Your graph is adding a lot of value to our Application it is far better than the previous control they had purchased and it has been a lot of fun to learn."

Evelio Hernandez, Shell Development"Our department owns a copy of ProEssential and we are very satisfied with it. Our compliments to your company!"

Ekkehard Goerlach, Novartis Pharma AG"I really like to work with your product (for an example what we did with it you may take a look at Analytical Chemistry, 70(15), pp3227-3234). "

Mark Usher, Insoft GmbH Austria"Many many thanks for your help and support over the last two weeks in getting the ProEssentials graph to run on our "non-standard" application. I can now say that I have it running, in the correct window and with the correct zorder, and I can now look forward to pleasing our customer with a graph to his specifications. Thanks once again. I won't hesitate in recommending Gigasoft Inc. and ProEssentials to others."

Ed Lyons, Raleigh, NC"I've been a user of your product since the early days and have found it a reliable, and impressive product. As a software developer, I know how important graphics are to any application. I want to salute your efforts and results that you've accomplished with your GigaSoft product. Thank you so much."

Robert Rais, Yazaki North America"I write programs for testing automotive parts with HPVEE and everyone in my user group has recommended your software."

Richard Davis, GCR & Associates"The output from this tool blows away all others. I'll be using it to trend nuclear chemistry data over time. After looking at the alternatives, the graphs produced by ProEssentials are exactly what I was looking for." "Thank you for patiently answering my questions. Your help has been invaluable. By the way, I have had several nuclear chemistry guys frothing at the mouth after seeing my trending program. Being able to cursor between points, build an SQL statement using CursorPoint and CursorSubset and returning the results to screen on the selected point makes these types of people go crazy. When I showed them annotations which are written to the database table and shown on the graph all by point and click on a graph, I thought I would have to help these guys back into their seats. Is that unbelievable or what? It is possible that all of this nuclear company's chemistry departments will move from VAX to Windows & SQL server just to have this graphing capability. Thanks"

Darren McMaster, KMV Corporation"The graph package you have put together is really good. I have worked with XXX before and it was a real pain in the ___. Intuitively, yours makes a lot of sense."

Jorge Llacer, Ph.D., EC Engineering Consultants"Your package is excellent, no errors, ... I can do very well even as a non-professional programmer." LLC

Lori Brossard, Associate Project Manager, InStep Software, LLC"We love your product and have used it in several of our consulting projects. As we venture into the internet-world, we would like to have the capability of exporting to a .gif or a .jpeg."

Mike Tashker, Transportation Decision Systems"At any rate, here's some general feedback (on the scientific graph, the only one we're using): PRETTY DAMN GOOD. It does about 97% of what we need, which is PRETTY DAMN GOOD. Your documentation is also PRETTY DAMN GOOD, for which we're grateful. We have a major rail simulation (used in New York, LA, Bay Area Rapid Transit), the results of which are analyzed with our TRG (train reporting and graphing) post-run analysis program, of which your dll is the heart."

Shida, S & N Peseschkian "I'm really happy with the product. It's easy to use and you can do just about everything with it."

Alan Colman, Greenspan Technology"We have been using you Scientific Graph control in VB to display data from environmental monitoring systems. It has been great!"

Melinda Braun, Wildlife Computers"I recently purchased ProEssentials, and am basically quite impressed with its clean implementation. I really appreciate your prompt and helpful support. ProEssentials is a powerful tool, and your support makes it that much better."

Larry Sand, Sand & Associates"Thanks again for a great product, I've been recommending your library to all of the developers that I know of looking to integrate a graphing library."

Bob Dobbins, Workhorse Technologies"Thanks again for an excellent graphing tool! I find that it is very fast at displaying the graph, even on a slower machine. The best feature though, is the exporting capabilities that are "pre-packaged" for your end-users. It slices, it dices, it julienne's.<g> ie-export as comma delimited data, as graphic, etc. Seriously, it is an excellent tool."

Phil Inch, Gameplay Software"My client is extremely happy with the results so far; so much of what they wanted me to do is already done (data export, graphics cut &paste, etc). I'll definitely be using it on future projects that require graphing :)"

PJ"I would like to again thank you for all your help and indeed encouragement.... again please thank all concerned absolutely splendid service."

John Craft"Thanks for your prompt response to my questions. Your example hit the nail on the head and will allow me to continue to make good progress on my project. Thanks a million!"

Steve"I wish all support was as prompt and as good. I would just like to take the opportunity to say how impressed and pleased I am with ProEssentials. It does exactly what I need and a lot more besides. It is dead easy to use and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. Keep up the good work!"

H. C. "One of our competitors (Pace Scientific) is also using your graph control in their logger software. I am glad they have such good judgement, but (of course) our software is better."

Frank "Thanks for your help. Your instructions were flawless. I'm up and running in just an hour or so. BTW. I had tried XXXXXXX charting tool. I had to make very few changes to my engine to use it, but I just wasn't satisfied with the results. Thanks again."

Noah"Hey your product looks great!! And you certainly know how to have the right kind of web site. Easy to find, easy to see what you need, etc. I am a new programmer to the VB environment and I saw that several of the products that I use in Civil Engineering use the ProEssentials graphing objects. So I think to myself, let me give it a go and see what I can do. Engineers just are like that huh? "

Derek"I own licensed Gigasoft Proessentials controls and they have worked well in most all respects for a number of well-received Windows applications."

Pete"BTW, remember I was asking about the capabilities of PE. You pointed out ways to synchronize multi zooms, and set manual axis ranges. With your tips it was easy. I have just about finished converting a complex DOS program that had about 10K lines of code and took 3 months to program into Delphi. It has taken about 40 hours to add ProEssentials and uses about 300 lines of code. Thanks for your help and a great product."

Andy Tobin"This is without doubt an excellent product."

Eoin Howlett"I have tried XXX, YYY, ZZZ, etc. and PE seems to be the superior by far."

Robert Panton"First of all I must thank you again for the wonderful product. Everyone is so impressed, that it looks as if it's going to generate sufficient work to keep me busy for 12 months...(or more)."

John Humphreys"I would like to take the opportunity to say that I'm really pleased with your product and it's at least a 100% improvement on the graphics software I was previously using."

Lars Thomsen, MS PhD"I am very happy with your graph routines. When I import my data I read them from a binary file and to reduce looping times I read the data in chunks of 10000 points. Each array holding the 10000 point is added to another array that is incremented during the import with the Redim Preserve function. I normally end with 100-200 subarrays within my big dataarray. The plotting routine that I use simply plots a subarray and splits it in 6 pieces (that is easier to view). I made a horizontal scrollbar on top of the graph and the max value is set to the number of subarrays I have. Every time I move the scroll cursor then I call the plot function and I can then scroll through the data and it is quite fast. "

Jack"I have had great success in using your ProEssentials with VC++. You've got an outstanding product!"

Richard Ulrich"Thanks for the prompt response. By the way, my program, although still "alpha" version, has wowed the client, and I've given ProEssentials a plug on the delphi32 forum. Great product!"

Charlie Martin"I've just purchased PE2, and have been impressed with how easy it is to use."

Rolf Winter"I had the opportunity to get to grips with your product. Product and in particular the manual are of excellent quality which unfortunately is found rarely in computer products nowadays. Congratulations!"

Mark"I'm impressed by the capabilities of ProEssentials and hope that my experiences with it continue to be as positive as they have so far."

Joe"I really like your program, it is very flexible. But, boy, it has a bunch of stuff in it! Take care, and thanks again."

Jim Deutch"I love ProEssentials: Our acid test for a graphics package was whether I could make it draw a psychometric chart in less than a day's work: ProEssentials passed!"

Bob Sperling"By the way, your product is fantastic. It is easy to integrate, and it looks very professional. Great Product!"

David Glick..."Without a doubt, ProEssentials is the BEST graphing lib I've come across in many years of programming."

Dick Monahan"I'm using the ProEssentials product for a trending program, and it's really good. It does everything I ever even dreamed about."

Pierre Le Cocquen"To my mind, the best product is ProEssentials."

Our Mission

Your success is our #1 goal by providing the easiest and most professional benefit to your organization and end-users.

We are Engineers

ProEssentials was born from professional Electrical Engineers needing their own charting components. Join our large list of top engineering companies using ProEssentials.

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Thank you for being a ProEssentials customer, and thank you for researching the ProEssentials charting engine.